Information on Coach of the Year awards Coach of the Year – Grassroots for newer coaches Coach of the Year – Elite for Provincial/National level coaches Entry Deadline: November 30
Registration Deadline November 3rd. This online course will allow new coaches to learn the fundamentals of the sport as well as how to begin coaching others particularily at the YBC level as well as the C5 Interprovincial competition, Masters events, etc.
Zones at Camrose, Tabb Lanes. 8 games will be bowled You must also have a current year Canadian 5 Pin Membership to compete Registration at 9 - 9:30 a.m., bowling at 10 a.m. Returning to in-person Nationals, time and dates to be announced.
Registration Deadline November 20th. This online course will allow new coaches to learn the fundamentals of the sport as well as how to begin coaching others particularily at the YBC level as well as the C5 Interprovincial competition, Masters events, etc.